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8 Crazy Smelly Feet Stories

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, October 29, 2015

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In our daily life, body smells may sounds simple. But, unexpectedly there are some people who take it or feel it seriously. Sometimes it becomes so hillarious that we don’t even know how to react. Here is some crazy story caused by smelly feet!

1. The Famous  Scientist Revealed Himself that He Had Stinky Feet 

Long time before Charles Darwin wrote his major work "The Origin of Species," the future father of the theory of evolution is a child who has poor spelling and smelly feet.
Darwin wrote more than 5,000 letters to family members, scientists, diplomats and clergy who have now been put online by the Darwin Correspondence Project. Missives touching on everything from evolution (duh!) And gardening for personal hygiene.
"I just wash my fett [sic] once a month at school, which I confess is nasty, but I can not help it, because we have nothing to do with," a 12-year Darwin wrote to a friend.
2. The Scientists Who Discovered Smelly Feet May Be A Way To Fight Malaria
In 2013, scientists found a possible new way of fighting the deadly, malaria disease mosquito  by smell of human feet.
In a laboratory study led by Dr James Logan at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, researchers found that mosquitoes infected with tropical diseases who are more interested in the human odor of dirty socks than those who do not carry malaria. Insects carrying malaria parasites are three times more likely to be drawn to the smell stockings.
The new findings may help create trap that targets only mosquitoes that carrying malaria. "The smell of the feet have use after all. Every time we identify a new section about how mosquitoes interact with us, we are one step closer to better control," says Dr. Logan.
3. The Man Whose Cat Was Almost Knocked Out By His Stinky Feet

A laugh-out-loud funny viral video shows one picky feline reacting in a riotously theatrical fashion to its owner's smelly feet. 
The 13-second video shows a happy young kitty gently nipping and clawing the foot of its owner. The cat takes one whiff and is instantly overwhelmed by the smell.

4. A Report That Revealed Polar Bears Find Their Mate Through Foot Scent

In 2014, a report published in the Journal of Zoology revealed polar bears' feet leave a scent behind in their footprints which helps suitable mates find each other.

The San Diego Zoo asked Polar Bears International to swab between the toes of bears' feet using Q-Tips. "I think they probably thought we were crazy when we made the request," said biologist Megan Owen. The researchers then exposed the scent samples to bears of different sex and age groups. From the samples, they identified pheromones and other chemicals, and discovered bears can smell the scents left by the tracks on the ice despite great distances and lapses of time .
But with climate change now an issue, that highly adapted method of communication could be in jeopardy. Steven Amstrup, a chief scientist with Polar Bears International, said, "Less sea ice and a more broken, more disrupted sea ice surface may have other threats, and one of those is that these creatures may not be able to find each other when they need to breed."
5. An Airport are Forced to Remove the Carpet Because it Absorbs Sweat of  Smelly Feet

In 2013, the Palm Beach International Airport, the gateway to one of the most luxurious Florida, was taken to task for the smell of sweaty feet that penetrates the carpet.
Odor described as a cross between a pack of wet dog and sneakers are worn without socks during full summer. The stench carried from the carpeted area at the TSA checkpoint, where thousands of passengers take off their shoes for bombs and toothpaste. This is not the first time the smell of feet at the airport have been recorded. In 2010, TSA officials complained about it and the carpet replaced. Since it has been taken out (again) and replaced with tile.
6. The Woman Whose Open Letter About the Stinky Feet of A Fellow Passenger Went Viral

In May 2015, a furious passenger posted a sarcastic open letter to the person sitting behind her on a flight who talked too loud, incessantly kicked her chair, took their shoes off and put their stinky feet up.
Lau Munyee shared the note on social media about the loud-mouthed, snack-guzzling passenger who had feet that smelt of "death and decay." Lau, 24, who runs the blog, was flying on an AirAsia flight from Singapore to Sydney on seat 14A.

Of the woman's feet, she said, "I did not pay for the in-flight entertainment package, and I was worried that I might get bored. But my concerns were unnecessary. Immediately, my nose was assaulted by a putrid smell of death and decay. The stench was so strong that I turned to check if the old lady seated next to me was still breathing."

7. The Man Who Was Banned From Attending College Classes Because 0f His Smelly Feet
Maybe it sounds a bit cruel, but it took a decade for Teunis Tenbrook, a philosophy student at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Holland, to complete his studies. He was banned from the university as a result of complaints from professors and students that it was impossible to concentrate with the rancid smell emanating from his feet. 
In 2009, a court ruled that having smelly feet is no excuse to ban a student from a university. A judge said of those that complained: “They must hold their noses.” 


8. Two Passengers Fight Because  Stinky  Feet

Foot rancid odor caused fights to break out between the two women on the express train made its way from Beijing to Chongqing in September 2015. According to China Chongqing Morning Post, a middle-aged woman and a girl in her late teens or early 20s are in the same car on the express train to the city of Chongqing, when the old woman took off her shoes. The smell of a woman's legs seem disturbed young girl, who asked her to put her shoes back. Old woman ignores the request, however, so the girl responds by entering the nose with a tissue.

Angry old woman began to shout insults the girl, who retaliated by throwing a pillow she brought with her launch a full-on fight between the two. Surrounding passengers tried to break up the fight and the police immediately intervened. The police report stated the young girl had scratch marks on the face of the older woman, who had clawed her during a fight, pulling her hair. The older woman was ordered to give a verbal apology to the girl, as well as pay yuan ($ 235) in 1500 at the cost of her treatment. (source:


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MISS MAUREN Updated at : 9:35 AM

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